Thursday, May 29, 2008
Void Reaver Down!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sekhmet has been my one and only pet for a long time, until lvl 70 actually. I tamed other pets for skills and to try out different pet families but they never usually lasted long. Now she is my PvP buddy and raiding pet. When hunters say they get attached to their pets, this is the one I am attached to. She has been with me through wins and deaths and will always be my baby.
Addons: MikScrollingBattleText
Ohz the dramah
In other news, we have both went out and tamed Wind Serpents to play around with. Grumble tamed one from Netherstorm and I tamed one from ZG. I cant stand the models for the BC WS and if I do decide a Wind Serpent is worth taking up my 3rd stable slot I want it to be something I like. I tried the trick of laying down a trap and running up to the second level to tame it but I kept getting one of the red ones trapped. When I would place the traps where they do in the videos they would disappear before I got to the second level (got to far away?) so I had to place them about the same angle on the opposite side of the ledge on top. Instead Grumble sent his pet on one and we trapped the other 2, took out both of the red ones and I tamed the Soul Flayer. They seem to do some nice damage and with Lightning Breath added to our Steady Shots they are holding argo pretty well. Grumble has gotten his to lvl 70 and 2 loyalty and mine is sitting at lvl 62 with 3 loyalty atm.
We have decided to dust off our PvP realm hunters. Mine is a 41 Belf and his is a 17 Tauren. The guild we are in on there could use some good hunters and experienced people for Kara and Gruuls. Grumble loves the PvP but it all depends on if I can get the Dwarf Blood out of him.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Here's a Macro, There's a Macro
Racial: Night Elves with Prowling Cat
# show Prowl
/cast Shadowmeld
/cast Prowl
1:1 Steady Shot - Pre WotLK
/castrandom [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
/castsequence reset=2 Steady Shot, !Auto Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();
3:2 Steady Shot - Pre WotLK
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/cast !Auto shot
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
/cast Steady shot
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Steady Shot - Post WotLK - As of posting this shot rotation is still under development. This includes Kill Shot and will use it once the mob is under 20% life. The !Auto Shot is so a shot will start when you first hit it and then Steady Shot will start casting.
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/cast Kill Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/cast !Auto Shot
/cast Steady Shot
Change between Aspect of the Dragonhawk and Viper
/castsequence Aspect of the Dragonhawk, Aspect of the Viper
Raptor Strike/Wing Clip
If you spam click this button it will Raptor Strike and then Wing Clip.
#showtooltip Raptor Strike
/cast Raptor Strike
/cast Wing Clip
Hunter's Mark/Pet Attack
This macro will cast Hunter's Mark and send you pet in to attack when clicked. If you right click the macro it will only cast Hunter's Mark.
#showtooltip Hunter's Mark
/cast [button:2] Hunter's Mark; Hunter's Mark
/stopmacro [button:2]
All In One Pet Button
This will call your pet if not with you, mend your pet, or rez your pet if dead. Your pets body needs to be nearby for it to rez though.
/cast [nopet] Call Pet
/cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet
/cast [pet, nomodifier, button:1] Mend Pet
/cast [pet, nomodifier, button:2] Dismiss Pet
Distracting Shot for Trap Pulls
This one will let you cast Distracting Shot to pull a mob to your trap but then turns off attack so you dont accidentally break your trap.
/cast Distracting Shot
All In One Sting Button
This macro will free up space by putting your stings and Tranq shot on one button. It will show the tooltip of whichever shot you will be using. Just hitting the button will be Serpent Sting, holding shift will be Viper Sting, Control is Scorpid Sting and Alt is Tranquilizing Shot.
/cast [nomodifier] Serpent Sting; [modifier:shift] Viper Sting; [modifier:ctrl] Scorpid Sting; [modifier:alt] Tranquilizing Shot
Focus 101
When you target someone and use /focus it will make that person your focus target. Doing this on a tank will help you with assists and Misdirection without having to change macros mid raid when tanks change. You can also make a target button on a mob you are trapping in case it goes after a squishy instead of your traps. These macros are set to /p (party) but you can also set to send a message to raid or a whisper to the person you are focusing on.
Misdirection w/o Focus (Change TANK to the name of your tank)
/target TANK
/cast Misdirection
/p Misdirection cast on %T
Misdirection with Focus
/cast [target=focus,help][help][target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection
Aspect of the Coin
ZG Coins have gone from 1-2g to 10 each and Bijous from 10-25g.
Stacks of Dark Iron Ore from 5g to 20g.
Coilfang armaments from 9-13g to 20-30g.
It seems like the only factions based item that hasnt gone up is Aldor/Scryer items because of people getting so many from doing dailys.
Before 2.4 Large Prismatic Shards were 20g each and Void Crystals were 30g. Now Large Pris. are 30-40g and Voids are 40g. Thank gawd I'm an Enchanter with Void Shatter.
Now the economy has an influx of gold which is making AH sellers think "People have more gold so I will jack up my prices." If Blizz was trying to curb the Gold Seller business they have failed.
Hunters Duo BM Daily
Black Morass is one of the normal dailys in Shatt. Sometimes you will find people dont want to do it because they have already done the instance so many times for drops/faction that it is a pain to find a group for it. Well so long as you have some pretty good DPS and a buddy or 2 you can finish the daily and help alchemists with their quest. Have each person in your mini group get a Chronobeacon and clear out the mobs. Have someone start the event and have one person drop one for each of the first few dragons. DPS like mad because most people will not pull argo from the Chronobeacon dragon. One time we did it we had a pissed off dragon coming at us with about 4k health left. Don't worry about the adds. Wash, rinse, repeat. It took us 4 times to finish the quest (killing 4 Rift Lords) but it only took about a half hour to 45 mins so it was about the same amount of time for a normal group to finish the instance.
You can also use this tactic on Heroic mode in a full group by placing the beacons on the first 5 mobs and killing the boss for a badge and resetting the instance. Have a DPS or 2 on adds for the beacon dragons and everyone on the boss.
Addons: Checklist 2
Do you have a problem remembering which drops you wanted? What guildies wanted you to make for them? Which factions you wanted rep with? Then this is an addon for you. By using the command /cl2 ui you bring up a window that allows you to make various lists and add in things to do. As you get things done you can either check them off, like when you get exalted with a faction, or you can delete them if it was to make something for a person. You wont be sitting there thinking "Was there an item I needed from Arc?" because if you go through and add the items you need all you need to do is look at the CL2 window and know immediately. Checklist 2 can be downloaded from
Addons: Baudmark
Many times Hunters are used to pull for groups. With our FD and cats with prowl it makes us easy to mark/target in crap situations if there are no rogues or druids. This addon makes marking a lot faster. You set up a hotkey, like I use the number 1, while targeting a mob and a circular listing of all the raid marking appear. You dont have to mouse half way across the screen like other addons require. Everything is right where you need them to be so you can switch over to the next target fast and easliy.
Baud Mark can be downloaded from here and there is a pic of what the addon looks like when used. I have used this addon for about 5 months now and have never had a problem with it.
What a productive 2 weeks! Last week our guild attempted Gruuls Lair and did pretty damn well. We killed High King Maulgar and he dropped the T4 shoulders for me. How sweet of him. We tried slobber face himself and managed to get him to 10% health before guildies started talking about something called need for sleep. 8o(
Kara has been really good for us also. Grumble won the drop for the T4 helm and Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle and I won both the Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle and the Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix. /cheer. Wends night we had a Pally who got a lot of nice upgrades and last night we had an under geared Rogue who raked in the purples which was really cool. After the raid last night we both had enough badges to run out to the land of red and orange and pick up our [Leggings of the Pursuit].
Both of us hit the 1k club last night. Grumble had around 1100 DPS average for the entire raid and I had between 1000-1200 DPS for certain fights like Netherspite.
I used to use WoWAceUpdater but since that has gone kaput I have been using WoW Matrix to keep my addons updated.
- BloodyRare *- Makes a macro button that auto changes to help find rares in the zone.
- Overachiever *- Adds tool tip info and recipe info to help you get those achievements finished.
Hunter Related
- GFW_FeedOMatic - One click pet feeding
- Cartographer* - Everything you need for you map.
- Routes - Addon for Cartographer to map out paths for tradeskill nodes.
- Sexy Map* - Move it and change it around
- Baudmark - Raid Icon Marking
- CCBreaker* - Sends messages to party, raid, or silent mode when someone breaks any CC
- LoggerHead* - Auto turns on combatlog in certain zones.
- Omen* - Keeps your threat in check
- Dominos* - Action Bar Addon. Used to be Bongos.
- Closeup* - Allows zooming in and other nifty tools for your dressing room.
- eePanels2* - Add background panels to your screen to make your UI look nicer.
- ElkBuffBars* - Changes your buff bars and they are moveable.
- FuBar - Adds 1 or more small bars to keep addons in check.
- -CombatTimeFu - Keep track of how long it took to take down that boss.
- -DuraTek -How much will it cost for repairs?
- -ExitFu -One click exit button.
- -HonorFu -Keep track of honor and how you do in BGs
- -MailFu - shows when you have mail
- -PerformanceFu - Lag? Find out why
- -PetInfoFu - All you wanted to know about your pet.
- -TopScoreFu - Keep track of how much you do damage for or heals.
- -TrackerFu - Hunter tracker drop down menu.
- Geist - Button Management
- MikScrollingBattleText - Scrolling Combat Text
- Auctioneer* - A must if you have an AH alt.
- BankItems* - View what is on your toons and mail boxes. Also Guild Banks.
- CensusPlus - Addon from WarcraftRealms to take a census of your server
- ItemID - Find out the Item ID of an item.
Addons I use and will be spotlighting.
These are addons I use and love and will be doing details on them in the future. Most can be found from either Curse or WoWAce.
AtlasLoot - View loot from bosses, rep, and vendors.
aX_RaidStatus - Simple window with lots of stats of your raid party.
CowTip - Adds info to your tips and move the location they are shown.
DamageMeters - Know how much damage you do in raids.
Factionizer - Keep track of how many items and instance you need for that next faction level.
FishingBuddy - Everything 'cept for a case of beer.
PingPong - Tells who spam clicks the mini map
RangeHelp - Easy to see display to judge range
RatingBuster - Comparing your gear made easy
SimpleMP3 - Listen to your toons in game
Thank You BRK!
Talk about an absolute BLAST! Running of Da Bulls was last night. We weren't able to log on until about about 45 mins before the start because of a Heroic Mech but when we did all we could see was cows. We ran from the Tauren starting area to Hammerfall in Arathi Highlands and then "raided" IF. Others progressed to SW and then went for Hogger himself but we had to leave for another raid. We didn't know Sharvan but it still struck heart strings seeing all the people mooing to her. This was the first time Grumble has experience a cross server event and I think he's hooked now 8o). Thank you BRK and those who went unnamed who organized this event. It was udderly amazing. KeK.
Click here for a video made by Wincefish.
Click on the thumbnail for larger pic.
Addons: Geist
Geist is a nifty addon that helps clear up your hot bar yet keeps all your stuff close at hand. You set up a keybind and whenever you hold it down a box of up to 25 hotkey slots appears wherever your mouse is located on your screen. I love how it doesn't appear at a fixed location because we usually have static boxes that pop up all over the place ranging from Omen to WIM. Mine is in the pic and as you can see I have all my food and potions in there along with various engineering items.
You can download Geist from here.
Holy Pet Bug Batman
There has been many hunter getting tells asking them how they got their pet so big. Some people have been saying it is the new pet biscuits from the trading card game but that only works for non-combat pets and it only doubles their size. This is an interesting little bug with 2.4. The pets owner does not see their pet grow but others do. So if you see someone asking you why your pet is so big or if you see a gigantic pet in the bank, now you know.
Funny Items
A Steamy Romance Novel
An Exotic Cookbook
Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis
Broken I.W.I.N. Button
Comfortable Insoles
Dwarven Fishing Pole
Fight Club - Movie
Goldenscale Vendorfish
Grom'tor's Friend's Cousin's Tunic
Happy Fun Rock
Lucky Rock
Moist Towelette
Mug O’ Hurt
Old Teamster's Skull - Mobsters
Pet Rock
Shark Bait - Finding Nemo
Shiny Dinglehopper - The Little Mermaid
Tear Stained Handkerchief
The Stoppable Force
The Ultrasonic Screwdriver - Doctor Who
Vial of Tears
Voodoo Skull
With Patch 2.4 Blizz made it harder to wall climb. Quite a few of these places may no longer be reachable. We went out with a friend after the patch and couldnt get up the normal paths we used to go. I will be adding info on Zul'Grub, STV Mount Cave, Dancing Troll Village and a few other spots.
One thing I love about World of Warcraft is their holidays. Throughout the year there are various events with lots of fun things to do and sometimes very nice loot. Info will be added for all Holidays.
- New Years Eve
- Love is in the Air
- Noblegarden
- Children's Week
- Harvest Festival
Year Round
- Darkmoon Faire
- STV Fishing Extravaganza
Hunter Related
Hunters 101
- Enchants and Enchantments - BC
- Enchants and Enchantments - WotLK
- Gems - BC
- Gems - WotLK
- Rep Gear - WotLK
- Scopes - BC
- Scopes - WotLK
Pet Care
- How to handle adds in CoT:The Black Morass
- Hunters Duo Black Morass Daily
- Hunters "Duo" Kara Chamber of Secrets Quest - Only during the Scourge Invasion 2008
Hunter Raiding Guides
I have added loot that these mobs drop that Hunters may be interested in. Some of it is leather. Some is more for a Melee DPS Shaman. If there is a class in your raid it is more attuned for then don't roll for it but all the listed items have varying stats that a Hunter may find as an upgrade.
- Attumen the Huntsman
- Moroes
- Maiden of Virtue
- Opera Event
- Nightbane
- Curator
- Shade of Aran
- Terestian Illhoof
- Netherspite
- Chess Event
- Prince Malchezaar
Magtheridon's Lair
- Nalorakk - Bear
- Akil'zon - Eagle
- Jan'alai - Dragonhawk
- Halazzi - Lynx
- Hex Lord Malacrass
- Zul'jin
Tempest Keep: The Eye
- Al'ar
- Void Reaver
- High Astromancer Solarian
- Kael'thas Sunstrider
- Crafter’s Tome
- El’s Extreme Anglin’ - World of Warcraft Fishing Guide
- Kaliope's WoW Crafting Blog - Owner of Crafter's Tome
General WoW/Multi Toons- Asleep at the WoW
- Faithful Affliction - Priest/Warlock
- For the Horde
- Kestrel's Aerie
- Lady Jess
- Married IRL
- Points of Convergence
- Respec Cost
- The Bronze Kettle
- World of Matticus
- Balance of Power
- Big Bear Butt
- Bitter Roots
- Don’t Hibernate, Lacerate
- Ferocious Bite
- Gray Matter
- Kung Pow!
- Laser Chicken
- Moonkin University
- Of Teeth and Claws
- Resto4Life
- Swiftmend
- The Rambling Bear
- Three Druid Noob
- Tree Of Life
- Treebound Cat
- Unbearably HoT
- White Whisker
- Aspect of the Girl
- Aspect of the Hare
- Big Red Kitty
- Gun Lovin’ Dwarf Chick
- Less QQ, More PewPew
- Mania’s Arcania - Owner of Petopia
- NE Hunter L4Mobs, PST
- Petopia
- The Hunter’s Den
- The Hunter’s Mark
- TKA Something
- A View From Behind
- Backstab, a Rogue’s Story
- Parry! Dodge! Spin!
- Forever a Noob
- Random Ravings of Warcraft
If you would like your blog on here or if you know of any other good sites let us know and we will check them out. You can contact us through the links below.Pet Armor Vs Stamina
When looking at the pet training window many hunters are puzzled by which to train their pet in, armor or stamina. Well it depends on what you are going to use that pet for.
When you are leveling up or using the pet for a farming/tanking pet you will want armor. It will not get hit as hard but it will also have not as much hitpoints. This will make using Mend Pet easier.
If you are using the pet for raiding you will want greater stamina. Spell damage ignores armor so if your pet is in AoEs it will die faster if it has higher armor. If you have a Shaman in your raid your pet will get a few random Chain Heals which will help with your healing.
In PvP it would probably be better to go with Stamina because you will be dealing with Mages AoEing and Warlocks dotting up your pet if its really being a thorn in their side.
Also keep in mind your pet will get a certain percent of your armor and stamina. If you are a BM hunter you might want to look into some Armor/STA gear which doesn't gimp your DPS so your pet has some survivability.
I have talked to a couple of hunters who could care less if their pet dies or not. Especially MM hunters have this mindset. Looking at raid stats, using a DPS pet, a BM hunter will get around 40-60% of their DPS from their pet and a MM hunter will get around 10-15% DPS from their pet. That is a lot to lose, especially for a BM hunter, just because you don't want to take the time to hit Mend Pet. BM hunters should spec their DPS pets into Heart of the Pheonix to give them another shot at a pet. MM/SV pets shouldn't be speced into this because their pet isnt worth the DPS hit and is a DPS hit during the casting to rez pet. Try to keep them alive instead of worrying about their death.
- Brazier of Dancing Flames
- Dire Brew
- Frenzyheart Brew
- Gordok Ogre Suit
- Hallowed Wand - Bat
- Hallowed Wand - Ghost
- Hallowed Wand - Leper Gnome
- Hallowed Wand - Ninja
- Hallowed Wand - Pirate
- Hallowed Wand - Random
- Hallowed Wand - Skeleton
- Hallowed Wand - Wisp
- Hook of the Master Angler
- Iron Boot Flask
- Noggenfogger Elixir
- Orb of Deception
- Orb of the Blackwhelp
- Orb of the Sin'dorei
- Rituals of the New Moon
- Savory Deviate Delight
- Stave of Fur and Claw
- Super Simian Sphere
- Time-Lost Figurine
- Winter Veil Disguise Kit
- Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire
- Argent War Horn - Scourge Invasion 2008 Only
- Barov Peasant Caller
- Book Of The Dead
- Cannonball Runner
- Commander's Badge
- Defender of the Timbermaw
- Dog Whistle
- Glowing Cat Figurine
- Haunted Momento
- Mechanical Yeti - Three charge quest reward, not non-combat pet.
- Six Demon Bag - Chance to summon a demon, otherwise it is spells.
- The Horseman's Blade - Hallows End Only
- Thornling Seed
- Tiny Voodoo Mask
- Vanquished Tentacle of C'Thun
- Admiral’s Hat
- Bloodsail Admiral’s Hat
- Bouquet of Red Roses
- Clutch of Foresight
- Don Carlos' Famous Hat
- Eye of Arachnida
- Toy Train Set
- Wail of the Banshee
- Worn Troll Dice
Thank you to the people of Shandris and wow_ladies who have helped me with this list over the years.
Controlling Adds in Black Morass
A group in my guild has Caverns of Time: Black Morass (Dark Portal) on farm status. This section is to show other hunters how to solo control adds.
I have S1 head, shoulders, gloves, and legs. My weapon is Sonic Spear with Savagery. My bow is Melmorta's Twilight Longbow and chest is Laughing Skull Battle-Harness which both drop in this instance. The rest of my gear is pre-Kara instance drops or quest rewards. I am a BM hunter with points in MM and SM for higher crit chance and higher health.
Have food and drink available to use fast, preferably Mage Enriched Manna Biscuits. If you are low on health/mana between the fights you will need to eat fast so bring plenty.
It is best to use a high DPS pet on this run because you want these things dead asap.
The Fight:
This instance is a series of 18 fights. You will have waves 1-5 then a boss (set 1) , 7-11 then another boss (set 2), 13-17 and then the final boss (set 3). Your job is to protect Medivh from the adds that spawn. Medivh has a shield that is protecting him and as the adds get to him the shield starts to fail. If you can keep all the adds off of him you are gaining time for your party in case there is a wipe or to mana/health up before the final fight.
When you enter the zone there will be many animal mobs around. An easy way to get through them is to turn on track beasts, mount up, and pull 3-7 mobs to your party, numbers depending on how many AoE classes you have and party strength. Clear a path straight south until you see a glowing purple orb. This is where Medivh is. Do not get too close to him or you will start the event. Once you are to the south you want to clear the islands in a semi-circle around Medivh. This is the area the portals will form and dragonkin will spawn from them. When rounding up mobs only get within 5-10 feet of them or you will have a high chance of them dismounting you.
Once the area is cleared and everyone is ready someone will run up close to Medivh and the event will start. Scan around and see where the portal is opening. Have your pet on defensive and growl turned on. You want to stay around the water/land that is close to Medivh because this will give you clear view of anything coming out of the portal and keep your pet out of the AoE area of the mob the rest of your party is on. If you get too close and your pet gets argo on the main mob put your pet on passive, back up, and put it back on defensive when it is near you.
The types of adds are different in each set of waves. In set 1 you will have 1 Assassin, 3 Whelps, 1 Chronomancer. The Assassin should be Concussion shot, Serpent Sting, then if you are a BM hunter use your pets Intimidation to get the argo off of you. Be warned the can Kidney Shot you. Then stand back and range him to death. With the 3 Whelps I Multishot them to me and lay an explosive trap (the AoE one) and let my pet/my melee kill them. Controling the whelps is the only time I use a trap. With the Chronomancer it is a caster. Shoot it once it is outside of the main mobs AoE range so you can send your pet in without worrying about your pet getting argo on the main mob. Just range this one to death. This one can slow your movement down with its freeze spell.
When you finish on one portal scan around for the next portal and when you get to the area between it and Medivh sit down and eat if you need to. Wait until your tank gets argo or your add gets out of the main mobs argo range before you pull the first spawning adds.
On set 2 the adds will be 1 Executioner, 1 Chronomancer, 3 Whelps, 1 Assassin. Do the same as before but with the Executioner know that it can Hamstring you. Below is a video i made of the second set. It didnt upload to YouTube very well but I am looking into other upload sources to maintain better quality. Direct link to video.
Once you make it through the first 2 waves you are pretty much home free. During this last set of mobs your party will set down the chrono-beacons one at a time for the last 5 mobs before the last boss. Our group usually goes alphabetically so everyone knows when to place theirs. Put an icon of the beacon on your hotbar and when it is time to place it right click the icon and you will get a green pattern on the ground like when doing Volley. If the dragon helper is places in the right spot each time you will have next to no add this bout. I keep my pet back if the dragon helper is placed in an odd place and shoot at the main mob and look around for any adds that come through. If the dragon helper is placed right in front of the portal I send my pet in on the main mob and range and adds I see.
If you have kept all the adds from coming to Medivh then his shield will still be at 100%. When the last boss comes out and goes for the shield your party will have some time to mana/health up before the fight. If you have the Hawk Eye talent you can stand out of range of the dragons AoE proc that stuns you. Being this far back though means you probably wont be in range to use the Kill Command. When the dragons feet turn red hit it with Tranquilizing Shot and that will remove the fury effect. Below is a video of what to expect for the last set of mobs. Direct link to video.
Dwarf/Dragon Fight
While in Burning Stepps there is a hill you can run up and be able to walk along the ridge of the mountians. All the Dwarves are level 30 and a level 53 drake spawns and attacks them. It is a pretty funny fight to watch because when a dwarf almost dies they try to run away.
If you go west through the valley you will get to an overlook of the Elwynn waterfall. Below is a shot of the lone house on top of the waterfall that I used Eagle Eye to see. On the right hand side is the valley where we were standing.
Jumping down the hill from the valley you will get to the river that leads 2 ways. One way is to the other waterfall people try to climb up. The other is to a dead end with an un-texturemapped hill. On the other side of that hill is where people are when they get under Stormwind.
People have been asking us how we got our mounts so fast and granted it was because of staying up for 23 hours and racking up tickets through the dark iron attacks. Below is how to get tickets. The ticket amounts may not be correct when you read this because they have already changed the amounts once. First number is with dark iron attacks and second is without (when they are disabled server wide).
You have to be level 40 to get the ram mount quest Once you turn in the 600 tickets you get a quest to take the hand stamp to the ram seller. The ram seller is the guy next to the There and Back again quest giver by the road. Once you talk to him you get a normal merchant screen and can buy both of them. lvl 40 mount is 10G and lvl 60 is 100G. So long as your are level 40+ (got the quest in the first place) you can buy both mounts.
How to ram race
When ram racing keep right clicking the reins in your bag to go faster. There is a fatigue buff with a number. When the number hits 100 your ram will walk for a few seconds.
If you run past within 5 yards of the apples the fatigue will go away. Sometimes it is buggy and it wont record going past the apples. Supposedly if you have buffs on (thorns, frost shield, whatever) it will be more buggy. You can run across the hill instead of going around it. you will then have a straight shot from the apples to the keg thrower. Coming back to return the keg, once you pass the apples gallop the rest of the way. fly past the catcher and you can get back to the apples before your ram is fatigued.
One Time Quests
Ram Riding Training Quest - I think 40 tickets
Pink Elekks - 40 - If you did this quest right after the brewfest started then you may have another chance to do this. There was a hot-fix a few hours after brewfest started because some people were having problems getting it.
12 hour timer quests
Ram Racing There and Back again - 2 tickets per barrel during dark iron attacks/3 without
24 hour timer quests
Bark for the Barleybrews - ram riding through IF 15 tickets during DI attacks/40 without- this is another one that was hot fixed where someone could have gotten this quest 2x within the first few hours of brewfest. EDIT: This quest has been fixed and should be working. Once you get all the flags completed you can get off the brewfest ram and get on your normal riding ram if you have one to get back to the npc. I have tried this and it does work fine.
Hourly quests
Dark Iron Dwarf attacks - Currently disabled as of this post - 1 ticket per dwarf killed.
They are going to change this if/when it comes back on so people cant spam /wave. Since that will be different I wont go into how to get and throw the beer.
First off turn off full screen glow effects. You will find this is options > video. When you get drink you will be tipsy but you will still be able to see.
When a drill comes up throw 2-3 beers at it. I have noticed if I am inside a drill or right next to it I will have a better chance of hitting one.
Also dont go into the middle of the field. There will be more people there and the beer people (if they will still throw them) have further to throw them to you and add in lag and you will be slowed down a lot.
If you see a mug power up (you will know when you see it) go to it. you will get a master drunk buff that will spin you around throwing beers in addition to the ones you drink. When you find one stay on that spot because you can probably get it more than once.
When you hit one you will get a buff and the more you hit the higher your number in your buff. You are only allowed 25 "buffs". When you get 20-25 then go to the ticket person and turn in those buffs and then go back out and kill more. You can get 40-60 tickets an hour very late at night. (We didnt know about this until about 9am though when it was getting busy.)
There is 2 reasons the event will end, end of a timer (3mins i think) or the DIs destroyed the big kegs.
Old Lumbaryard
In the mountains of western Stonetalon there is an abandoned lumberyard. There is a sawmill, cranes, and a large Goblin machine.
If you can view to the top of the mountains surrounding the mill with something like Eagle Eye you can see towers and cranes. On top of these towers you can see airplanes.
Horde Camp In Stonetalon
On the western edge of Stonetalon there is a Horde camp in a clearing along with some ruins.
Headless Horseman
During the Hallows End festival you get a chance to face the Headless Horseman in two forms.
The first is in most newbie towns. The Horseman arrives at Four, Eight, and Twelve server time. He sets buildings on fire and it is your job to grab water buckets and to throw them on the fire. If you target a person and throw the bucket at them it will appear in their inventory. With some strategy you can form bucket brigades to put out the fires faster. If there is not enough people to put out the fires within the allotted time then the Horseman wins and you get nothing. Once the fires are out the Horseman, which is level 11, comes down and you kill him. The first person to hit does not get to loot him. A burning pumpkin will appear with many goodies including a rickety broom which any level can ride but has no speed increase.
The second way you can face the Horseman is to go to the Scarlet Monastery Graveyard. This version is a level 70 elite. You can go in with a raid party of 10 people. Anyone level 66+ can get the quest to summon him. To kill him you must fight him and when he is almost dead his head appears and you have to fight that. Once his head is dead it goes back to his body and you need to fight back and forth a few times. After the 2nd time he will spawn 5 level 70 adds. Do not fight the adds unless it is for CC. They will disappear once he is dead. A raid party can repeat this over and over until all the level 66+ members have done the quest. Once the Horseman is dead run outside the instance and have the raid leader restart the instance. You are limited to 5 instance runs an hour so you may need to wait a little while if you run through them fast.
So long as the fighting group is strong enough you can run lower levels through the instance. This is a daily quest so everyone level 66+ can run this every day during Hallows End. There are many purple items that drop, 4 brooms, and a squashling non-combat pet. Thottbot
There is 2 ground mounts, level 40 and level 60, and 2 flying mounts, normal and swift. You must meet the riding skill requirement to use them. The 14 day duration means 14 days of played time. You can collect mounts and send them to an alt you never play and save the mount for later in the year. As long as you are logged on the toon that has the mount you are running down the timer.
Make a macro to auto target the Horsemans head by typing /target Head of the Horseman You may need to spam click the macro.
Before the adds become targetable have hunters lay down frost traps and have mages ready to Frost Nova the adds.
Deathcharger's Reins
Deathcharger's Reins | |
Binds when picked up | |
Unique | |
Requires Level 60 | |
Requires Riding (150) | |
Use: Summons and dismisses Baron Rivendare's steed. This is a very fast mount. | |
Cooldown: 3 sec | |
3 sec cast | |
Item Level 60 |
Dropped by Baron Rivendare in Stratholme.
This can be soloed or easily duoed/trioed by some lvl 70s. Go into the service door. Once you open the first locked gate a 45 min timer will appear but dont worry about that unless someone in your group happens to have the quest to save the girl. You have to kill all 3 boss mobs AND the guys inside to open the gate to the Barons area.
Below is a map of the dead side. Blue lines are locked doors you need the Key to the City. Red dots are the Mini-bosses. Purple dot is a trap. Green line is the Barons gate.
The first boss is Baroness Anastari. She is a banshee and does do mind control. If you have enough DPS you can kill her without being mind controlled. If a party member is mind controlled they will grow in size and do double damage. Start killing your party member and when they are about 1/3 life they will snap out if it and go back to the health they were before being mind controled. Continue to kill the Baroness. Once she is dead kill the 5 mobs inside and you will see a /yell message that it has been destroyed.
Next is Maleki the Pallid. He has 3 mobs in front of him which can be pulled away from him by lvl 70s. This guy is easy. Kill guys inside and you'll get another /yell.
When you get up to the trap wait for all party members and go in together. A whole bunch of bugs will spawn which arent too bad but are annoying. Hunter traps won't work but other forms of AoE will. It has about a 5 min reset timer on it.
The last boss is Nerub'enkan. He is one of the crypt fiends. With the other bosses you can fight them without bothering with the side mobs but with this one you will want to kill the ones closest to you first. This guy summons little bugs that attack you but overall isnt that bad of a fight. After you kill the guys inside you will get 2 yells. The second will say something along the lines of the defenses are down. If you dont see this then you need to go back and make sure you did kill all the mobs inside these buildings.
Once you get to the Barons Gate (the green line) eat and drink and let everyone get inside the first gate. Once you start attacking the first gate will close and the abominations will start walking to the tunnel. Kill em all and dont let any get through the tunnel. There is a known bug with this area where 1 or more of the abominations decides to poof and the rest of the event wont trigger. You have to wait, anywhere from a few minutes to 20 minutes, for the missing abominations to reappear. GMs know about this and it has been happening for a long time. We have tried everything from chain killing, not being out of combat for more than 30 seconds, killing all at tunnel, and killing at their spawn points and we have experienced this bug no matter what we do.
When all of them die lots and lots of ghouls will spawn from the tunnel on the left to the dead end. AoE them down and you can use Stratholme Holy Water on em. When they die Ramstein will come out of the Barons doors. He is just a tank and spank but does hit hard. Eat and drink up. You should have a short period and 5 guards will walk out of the Barons doors. Again, it is an easy tank and spank. Once they have died you can go in and kill the Baron.
Don't try to sneak through the Barons doors when they are open when Ramstein comes out because you will be stuck in there with both doors locked. Then the guards will spawn and the ghouls. When you die you will have all those mobs in the courtyard to deal with. Not only do all the mobs in the courtyard attack you when you pull one but also all the mobs behind you for as far as you can see and then some.
The mount is about a 1% drop rate.
Piccolo of the Flaming Fire
Piccolo of the Flaming Fire | |
Binds when picked up | |
Trinket | |
Requires Level 53 | |
Use: Causes nearby players to dance. | |
Cooldown: 1 min | |
Item Level 58 |
Drops from Hearthsinger Forresten
This one isnt hard to farm if you have the Key to the City. Go into the service door, which is marked as the yellow dot on the map. If you are level 70 you can go to the left and bypass all mobs. Go into the tunnel. There are a few spawnpoints for Hearthsinger but personally it seems 85%+ of the time if you come in the service door he will be spawned at either of the red dots. He is hard to see because he is a human ghost. He is passive and if you do a ranged attack you can pull him, even through other mobs, without causing a train. He is an archer so run back into the tunnel to do a line of sight pull. Wash, rinse, repeat until you have it.
Ironforge Airport
My hubby got an itch to find the airport. We are both hunters, level 35 and 42 (at the time), and no mount or special potions or anything was needed. Below are some screenshots of our adventure including how to look inside the backdoor to IF. I am currently looking for lore to this area.
Here is a pic of the tanks
This is what it looks like if you go to the back door
All it is is a long tunnel with void at the end. I jumped my pig and he fell through the world and died after falling for about 30 seconds.
Old Ironforge
Legend has it Old Ironforge was an open area in Beta but it took too much for the servers to run it that they closed it off. Even though Blizz is better equipted they still havent reopened the area.
If you go into the throne room which is right off of the Great Forge you will see 2 very large doors on each side of you. There is a woman standing to your left. This is the door to Old IF. You will see it is a false door and the object collision isnt exactly right with the door because you can walk into it slightly.
At one time you could walk through it as a ghost but when we tried in Aug 2007 you can no longer do this. If a hunter stands so their pet is inside the door when you cast Eyes of the Beast it will say your pet is not in your line of sight. You need to run at the door, stop right at it and your pet will continue to run forward a few feet and walk back. While your pet is inside start casting Eyes of the Beast. You will probably have to try this quite a few times to get it exactly right. If your pet isnt in the door far enough they will be caught half in and half out and you can see the hallway but cannot run your pet forward.
Below are some pics of my pet inside.
Wetlands Dwarf Farm
The only way we have found to get to this area is to go to the Ironforge Airport first and then very carefully go down the mountain. Standing at the airports griffon master start heading down the mountain and head a little left (west). Just follow the paths you feel is safest to go down. You will soon see the buildings of the farm.
This area is completely lighted, has a road within it, and had NPCs walking around. The few you can talk to behave like IF guards telling you how to get to a few places but always leading to IF.
And here is a really cute sign that was there. Someone has put a lot of time and heart into this area.
Ironforge Banner
High above the hustle and bustle of Ironforge is a tiny flag. This flag sits on the highest point of the mountains and is where the dwarves laid claim to the hill of Ironforge. With a little mountain climbing you can stand above the city.
Thunderbrew Boot Flask
Obtained: Quest
Faction: Alliance
Min Level: 40
Starting Zone: Westfall
Quest giver: Grimbooze Thunderbrew
This quest if given by the dwarf in the mountains by Moonbrook/Dead Mines in the middle of bandits. When you were younger he wanted you to give him beer, now he is willing to share his brew.
Step 1: | Sweet Amber | [Level 44] |
Step 2: | Sweet Amber | [Level 44] |
Step 3: | Sweet Amber | [Level 44] |
Step 4: | Sweet Amber | [Level 44] |
Step 5: | Sweet Amber | [Level 44] |
Thunderbrew's Boot Flask | |
Binds when picked up | |
Trinket | |
Use: Deals 50 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec to all enemies in front of you. Gets you quite drunk too! | |
Cooldown: 30 min | |
Item Level 44 |
You blow out a flame that looks like the kind drakes breathe.
Dartol's Rod of Transformation
Dartol's Rod of Transformation | |
Binds when picked up | |
Unique | |
Use: Transforms you into a Furbolg for 3 min. | |
Cooldown: 1 min | |
2 sec cast | |
Item Level 1 |
This is an Alliance only quest.
Starts in Ashenvale. DO NOT FINISH THE ENTIRE QUEST! You will stop mid way through or you will lose the rod. Below are the steps you want to follow. Once you get the rod in step 4 do not accept the next part of the quest line.
Step 1: | Raene's Cleansing | [Level 21] |
Step 2: | Raene's Cleansing | [Level 27] |
Step 3: | Raene's Cleansing | [Level 28] |
Step 4: | Raene's Cleansing | [Level 28] |
About Us
Grumble and Autumnn are a husband and wife team on the Lightninghoof server of World of Warcraft. This blog started as a way to show others cool places we have found in game and has grown to include our toy addictions. We noticed there was a handful of Hunters asking how to do certain things or just overall advice and we have started to include posts related to Hunters.
Autumnn's Characters
We then jumped around various games for a while. We love Morrowind, Halo, and Fable. Finally in Jan 2007 we did the trial account for WoW. We never thought of going to WoW before then because our Everquest server was hit hard by people leaving for WoW. We viewed the game as something that killed the game we loved. That didn't last long. I got my Troll Hunter to lvl 20 and we went out and bought the full games. I love how WoW GMs are active with the players, the holidays, and how it isn't a psychotic grind to get anywhere.
We both started up Hunters because we were told they could be soloed all through the game. Coming from EQ this was a blessing. I am crazy about factions, tradeskills, mini pets, and mounts. Grumble loves PvP and seeing how many tradeskills he can max out a month 8oP. We both love raiding but so long as it is not to the point where it becomes a job instead of a fun pastime. We are both fully devoted to friends and will defend them to the end.
Baskerville was a must have when I learned we could tame them. My first toon was a little Tauren Druid. When I saw the Plains Vision I was in love. I basically had to use all my money to get the Metagem and get the gear and gems so I could even use the Meta. I drug out a Priest, Shammy, and LW Druid to help me on the taming. I made up a macro and got him on my first try.
I was torn when it came to naming him. I really though Baskerville was a cool name for a ghost dog. I also liked Wovoka. He was the Paiute Indian who founded the Ghost Dance. Common knowledge won and I choose Baskerville.
ATM Grumble is testing out all the new pet families so this will be updated as he chooses new pets.
Grumble likes spiders in real life. Really likes spiders... /shiver One night he was looking at Petopia and noticed Zarakh in Bloodmist Isle. He ran out there and tamed her little lvl 19 butt and started to level her. Her name is Esmerelda. Grumble thinks she is the cutest thing around but all I can think of is a nice big can of RAID.
Us on the web
Wow Insider did a writeup when I was asking about WoW ingame toys and also they mentioned us in a post about Ingame presents to give to others for Winter Veil.
Petopia mentioned my Troll Hunter Jayla in their feed pet section.
Autumnns MySpace pageAutumnn's Twitter