US Armory

Autumnn - Shandris

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hunter Gems - WotLK

New expansion, new list. These are WotLK related gems a Hunter might be interested in.

Remember that you do not have match the socket color and the gem color. Many socket bonuses are not worth putting in a less useful gem just to get +4 STA or ATK. Place your gems so you can use your Metagem and then usually the best bet is to fill the rest in with Red gems, namely Bright or Delicate Cardinal Ruby.

So why ATK for BM and AGI for MM/SV? Because as BM you play as a duo, you and your pet. Your pet gains attack power from you. Though straight Agility gives you increased base damage, attack power, and crit you will gain more dps when you include your pet if you ditch the AGI and slight Crit and go straight ATK.

Need a blue or yellow gem to complete a Metagem but cant decide? Remember that Prismatic gems count as all three colors at once and is an easy way to make bothersome Metas work.

If you know you will be changing gear a lot, say 3-4 pieces a week, then dont waste your money on the epic gems unless you love PvP and buy them with honor. On my server epic gems run around 200-250G where the non epics run around 40-60g. Same goes with enchants. If you have a wep you plan on changing soon dont bust out the Abyss crystals and instead go for the next lower enchant.

Epic Gems
Blue - You will probably not want to stack straight STA unless it is for PVP gear.

NoN-Epic Gems
Meta Gems

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